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World beating retail concepts are the product of  a profound understanding of what customers want.They demand outstanding creativity,innovation and  exhaustive attention to detail...




Seamless Retail concepts are the direction in which global retailing is moving.There needs to be just one concept communicated through all the channels of communication and distribution. On Line stores must mirror the bricks and mortar reality and vice versa.


Destination Status is critical for bricks & mortar Stores.In a seamless retail world, physical Stores have to be Destinations in their own right if they are to work. Whether Click and Collect, a Specialty Concept Store or a large space retailer, the customer needs to understand the Concept and have a reason to be there. The stand alone site location or the pull power of the  Shopping Mall are essential for trading success for bricks and mortar. On Line Stores face the same demands. Customers browsing the internet have very short linger times. The On Line Store needs visibility and screen presence to even be in the market. Achieving profitability then depends heavily on the design of the On Line Store, its visual appeal, the experience it offers customers, its user friendliness and its Order fulfillment competitiveness and flexibility.


Creating and realising Retail Concepts is at the heart of what we do. Whether as Project Managers or Advisors to the Project Team, we work with our specialist Associates, Contractors and Designers and our client Project Teams to develop and screen Concept Designs, ready to take to the next stage of Concept Development and ultimately to Concept Build.

Concept Design


Successful retail concepts start with a Big Idea that is both different and appealing to customers; that gives them something they never knew they wanted until they saw it. Innovation is the lifeblood of retailing - and in today's interconnected world, the market is global.


The demands of customers have never been greater, or the market more competitive in our instant connectivity world. Its ALL about the Experience and exceeding Customer Expectations. This is forcing a sea change in retail concepts. Retailing is an operation-intensive business where customer service, staff productivity and superior operating capabilities are key to achieving sustained competitive advantage.


Whether its a bricks and mortar Store or an On Line Store, competitive differentiation and the power of the Brand depend crucially on design. In winning retail concepts, Form and Function blend to create energy and excitement as well as a great customer experience.

Concept Development


Concept Development is a demanding and detailed process, requiring many skills and the ability to keep both focus and momentum in moving the project forward. We work with our Clients to coordinate all the resources deployed at this stage - Architects, Designers, Engineers, Technology specialists, Buyers and Merchandisers, Retail Operations, Marketing and Finance - to achieve the full development of the concept to the stage where it is ready for implementation.

Concept Build


Build Out is the most time sensitive and operationally demanding phase of any project. Physical builds demand architects Engineers, Lighting and Technology specialists as well as Internal Shopfitters and other specialist skills.

On Line Store Build


E Commerce Builds demand not just a fully functional Web Site but also the whole e-commerce technology, logistics and fulfillment capability to support the On Line store, including Photoshoot Studios, Content Management, Supply Chain, Delivery systems, Social Media communications, and Customer Management and  Service Systems. More often than not, the Business will have both channels, so that the Retail Concept will have been integrated at the design stage. This integration needs to be carried through at the build stage so that the customer experience is seamless and the service capability is constant throughout the chain.

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