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Discontinuities and change in the business environment are causing many businesses to seek transformational improvements.........



Discontinuities and change in the Business environment are causing many businesses to seek transformational improvements in their performance through major change to the business model, either to ensure continued success or to lift their game to industry leadership status. At the extreme, some businesses face existential crisis and need  to restructure to turn around a failing business and return to positive commercial performance.

When Boards identify and seek solutions to these challenges, they invariably involve change and the input of significant additional management resource to bring about that change. We work with management, using our specific skills and expertise, to help develop the new strategies, plans and processes that will bring about change within the business



A business may want to move from just being a good performer to being an industry leader. Or it may be in real danger and need radical restructuring. Eitherway, there has to be a Recovery Plan.The key to change is to identify radical but deliverable improvements and to get the Organisation committed to doing it.



Turnarounds need to be radical if they are to work and they involve the whole business. The effort may be focussed on a specific area, such as Merchandise Portfolio, Store Estate or Supply Chain, but it will invariably affect the whole Organisation. Radical improvements need a crisis management approach - otherwise organisation inertia will stay stuck on salami slicing improvements - which are not the gamechangers needed. We work with management right down the line to develop deliverable and substantial improvements that will have a major favourable impact on performance - cash generation, business competitivity and operational productivity.



Where the situation demands heavy lifting - corporate restructuring and refinancing -  we work with senior management and key professional advisors to devise business strategies,implementation plans and re-financing packages. Restructuring means profound change and management need professional outside expertise to help bring about the transformation. 

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