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Build Out - whether of a physical store or an On Line Store - is a lengthy process usually involving many people with multiple skills. Some of these skills are within the business, but many will be Outsourced Specialists, so that the intense Build Phase is delivered as specified and on time. The quality and experience that we have of Project Management is critical to successful completion.



Prepatory work is crucial. Literally thousands of tasks will need to be identified and sequenced on Critical Path Schedules and Work Programmes. Project Teams will need to be recruited. A myriad of detailed plans for physical and digital architecture will need to be drawn. Suppliers and Contractors will need to be selected. The Master Project Build Plan will need to be finalised. The quality of Project Planning will determine the quality of Project Delivery



The front end Web Site will need to be built for Laptop, Tablet and Mobile applications. Social Media communications  and Big Data management systems will be a core element of the On Line Store.Each component will need testing and debugging.Ease of use and customer friendliness will be determined by the Web Site architecture and interactive performance.


Building the Back End is an even tougher challenge. From Photo Studios and Content Management to Technology Support, Fulfillment Operations and Customer Service, the entire On Line business must be seamless and complete - as well as integrated with the physical store.  



Large Stores take longer to build than small ones but the challenges are significant whatever the size of the build out. Front of House architecture, space design and installations must be built to create the iconic destination Store. Back of House,Technology and Systems capabilities must be seamlessly linked to on line - as must Customer service capabilities. Merchandise Handling and Facilities management infrastructure must be there to support Store operations.

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