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How do they do that?



The way that people are organised, the skills that they have and the way in which they work are crucial and fundamental to the performance of the business and to its corporate vitality. In today's fast changing world, business managers are confronted daily with the new discontinuities, reinventing their organisations and the way they operate on a near continual basis. Managing change itself is not a new challenge, but accelerating technology and frequency of change in the global trading environment is such that it demands a continuous and proactive capability within the organisation to modify, and adapt if it is to have the necessary decision making speed and flexibility to keep ahead of the game. The trick is to avoid complexity and keep it simple. We work with Retail Managements to help them anticipate and address these challenges to organisation structure, skills and processes.



Organisation structures have always evolved to meet change in the business environment. The difference today is the need for speed and agility to manage through the huge and accelerating rate of change in the global business environment. 


Successful businesses have core structures designed to endure. They provide the base capability for the business to grow, to prove productivity and remain competitive. But in today's world, to drive growth and be a leader the base organisation structure needs to be overlain with task, skills and project based groups that are set up, resourced, incentivised and accountable for delivery against specific KPI's. These organisation groups can remain in place for years or just months, for as long as they are relevent to the the performance of the business.



Structural change in the business environment and in KPI's is putting a premium on new skills within the evolving organisations. Retail has gone global, micro -technology is enabling mechanisation of  operational optimisation and robotics are starting to take over routine operating jobs. Connectivity is expanding exponentially and transforming marketing and customer service demands.


The need for new skills and digital savvy people in the organisation is placing big strains on recruitment programmes and retraining resources. Companies have to find solutions to these challenges or risk being left behind.



With all the changes in organisation, not surprisingly Systems need to be adapted and developed to meet the new requirements both for management information and for operating capability. The new architecture in Business Technology provides the base functionality for this purpose, but management face big decisions in areas such as task automation, responsibility delegation and applying the new KPI's.

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