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Operational cost effectiveness and delivery are the key determinants of business trading performance. For Retail Companies, Operations encompasses Buying and Merchandise Management, Retail Technology, Marketing and Event Calendars, Customer Service and Sales Distribution, Supply Chain management, HR and Training. We have worked with many major retailers in all these areas and we also undertake Operating Management Contract negotiations and management, taking full responsibility for business operations and Landlord profitability. In particular, we  plan Sales Space, list Target Brands, optimise Brand densities and adjacencies in Store as well as planning and buying any Own Bought Merchandise. Using our strong Brand and Operator Networks and contacts we recruiting key Brand Concessions and Operators manage negotiations and agree Terms. We work with and oversee Concessions and Brand Sales Staff to ensure service standards are delivered, visual merchandising standards are upheld, Operating Proceedures are up to date and Sales Operations Policies are enforced. that The digital world is demanding a pace and speed of Retail Operation that is pushing operating capabilities to new boundaries. We work with our clients to help them ensure competitive service levels and operating effectiveness in all aspects of the business.



Whether the Company is a multi brand operation or single retail brand, Buying and Merchandising are more than ever the power house that governs trading performance. In today's environment, branding, product performance and customer appeal are as vital as ever, while global digital trading has intensified the competitive pressures a hundred fold. Commercial cycles are getting ever shorter. Buying know-how and networks, high level merchandising skills both on line and in store as well as margin management all need constant attention and upgrading if the business is to sustain its success.



Customers are demanding ever higher levels of service and the power of digital is transforming distribution into one single omni-retail world.Businesses need to be able to communicate with their customers by phone, email, mobile and social media. Transactions that start out on line may end up as a query in store. The organisation systems and processes have to meet this challenge so that the customer receives seamless and consistantly high levels of service from all points within the business.


The Sales team have to be fully committed and trained to deliver the customer experience and maintain service standards. Their ability to achieve this depends not just on excellent front of house management and know how, but on effective Back of House Support, strong EPOS and associated systems and hardware. All of this needs to be combined into a strong Organisational Culture and common Value System.




Concession Brands are nearly always a major component in large Destination Store Brand mix. Space Planning and Management skills are central to driving business performance in terms of Sales and Margin densities and creating the high levels of energy within the Customer experience. Brand and Concession management form a large part of On -Going Retail Management Projects




Retail businesses have learnt that the divisionalised sales channel model no longer works in the digital market. Omni channel distribution is the model to which most businesses are moving in spite of the big differences in financial dynamics and operating methods between On Line Stores and Bricks and Mortar Stores. It is a major strategic, operational ,cultural and organisational challenge. Retail has gone mobile. Customers may start a transaction on their i-phone but complete it in a bricks and mortar Store. They may communicate through SMS, email, Social Media or mobile - and any or all of these. They will expect seamless communications and the same high standard of service from retailers. To meet these new market demands, businesses are rebuilding their technology platforms, rethinking their Marketing and Customer service management processes and integrating their Sales channels and back of house operations. This is another sea change in the business model and it requires strong leadership from CEO's as well as heavy weight project teams, often with outside professional help, to implement these change programmes. 



Complex global supply chains have been honed to high levels of efficiency by the retail and logistics industries. The growth of on- line trading with its same day/24 hour service levels is putting pressure on logistics costs, while the global trading opportunities opened up by digital platforms is demanding new and extended logistics partnerships and networks for retailers.So to remain competitive businesses need to focus on both faster, flexible service,while containing logistics costs in a re-structured supply chain. For many businesses, this is a sea change in the operating environment that is requiring a radical re-think not just about upply chain structures and costs, but global marketing and merchandising strategies as well.

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