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Developing the iconic success is the goal of every new retail project....



Concept Development is a complex and challenging process, demanding multi skilled teams and constant attention to detail. This is where retail science and retail art are synthesised into a winning retail concept.The business's resources, structure, organisation and processes must be capable of developing a workable concept that consumers will embrace and prefer to other brands. So constant reality checks and assessments are critical during the development phase if the project is to be deliverable. We work with Architects, Specialist Designers and Technologists to develop and deliver fully functioning Concepts.



Physical Stores have to be physically built and operated, so generally take longer to design and build - especially if they are large multi level Destinations. The objective is always to create a compelling theatre, full of social energy and product interest and offering outstanding service. These are the essentials to maximising customer flow and conversions to purchase.



On Line Stores face even tougher customer demands. Mobile is increasingly the key driver. The average linger time on any website is less than 8 seconds. Within that time, the On Line Home page must attract, intrigue and get the customer browsing.Purchase conversion, customer satisfaction and cost effective fulfillment remain the critical KPI's.



Achieving a Seamless retail capability is the objective for many Digital Age Retailers. Brand DNA that has been built in one channel needs to be transferred to the other so that the customer experience is seamless whether in the physical Store or On Line Store.This is the holy grail of retail concept development.

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