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Our Management Consulting practice is built on years of experience and insights into Retail businesses....we work with our clients to develop solutions to challenges in all areas of their business....




We have in depth knowledge of retail industry dynamics and functionality. We use rigorous analysis to understand the business data, identifying  business strategy issues as well as opportunities to improve productivity and financial performance

Retail Operations


Whether its bricks and mortar or digital, retailing is an  operation-intensive business where customer service, staff productivity and superior operating capabilities are key to achieving sustained competitive advantage.

Business Technology


The power of technology is now such that it can be harnessed to  identify business opportunities and drive the business. Digital enables businesses to go global.The challenge is to find a cost effective way to exploit legacy systems data using add-on digital technology and new Systems Architecture to support this transformation.



On Line has transformed retail marketing as has big data. Using technology, we help find better creative solutions as well as more cost effective investment in marketing and sales programmes.



Rapid change in business models is transforming organisation structures and processes. Driving through change and securing the understanding and support of your people is critical to effecting change. Our long experience of Retail has given us invaluable insights in effecting change management through the Organisation.

Restructuring & Turnrounds


We have great experience in business restructuring, recovery and turnrounds of retail businesses, where the need is for radical uplift in business performance. Business is living through a period of unprecedented technological, social and economic  change. Redefining the business model is becoming a prerequisite for sustained success.

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