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Change and Disruption are the new Norm. The trick to winning is to know how to change business model

Our work is of high importance to our clients. We help them address the major challenges they face today.
Our mission, as Retail Management Consultants, is to use our expertise and years of experience to help our clients meet these challenges and manage their business to achieve consistent superior performance. This Website describes how we do this.
The technological and communication revolution is forcing profound, complex and continuous change upon traditional business models within the global retail industry. Global internet communications and connectivity are fundamentally changing the customer - retailer relationship as well as the social and trading landscape.
Global warming is now widely understood to be an existential threat and is driving change not just political and social change but is creating whole new industries as well as generating fundamental changes in business structures, operations and processes.
Changing Social and Lifestyle values are also disrupting traditional Retail Business Models. Digital has now reached the point where it is is merging Virtual with Real World, causing fundamental change in shopping and leisure. A whole new type of high energy Destination is emerging as the new model, that embraces not just shopping, but leisure, entertainment, well being, culture and community. Its all about the Experience. We we are entering the era of local not global. Lifestyles are changing radically as are consumer priorities and attitudes with Sustainability and Well Being at the forefront of people's concerns.
The Global Pandemic has acting not just as a Disruptor, but as an Accelerant of change. Economic and Social norms will change further and in some cases profoundly. Community support and local action are becoming the new norms. The vulnerability of global supply chains has been laid bare so that new solutions are being sought that are more secure, and national rather than international. Large Regional Shopping Centres are looking now like dinosaurs because they cannot meet Societies new priorities. The rebirth of Town and City Centres is already underway.
All of which makes Business Management still more challenging and more uncertain.
Our mission, as Retail Management Consultants, is to use our expertise and years of experience to help our clients meet these challenges and manage their business to achieve consistent superior performance. This Website describes how we do this.
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